Our project space in Bethlehem was generously donated by Yusuf Nasri Jacir. 

Open Society Foundation (OSF) supported operational and institutional development expenses for the sustainability of the organization.

Through the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC), Dar Jacir received funding for the program “Cultivating Community Ownership of Art and Space”.

Residencies and projects were supported by: SharjahArchitecture Triennial, the Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem, Yusuf Jacir, Nabil Jacir, Nicolás Jaar, and ZahiKhouri.

Initial programming and establishment of infrastructure was supported by the A.M. Qattan Foundation through the ‘Visual Arts: A Flourishing Field’ Project, with the generous support and implementation of the Institute for Palestine Studies.

Individual donations by Doris Bitar and others helped keep our lights on.

We are grateful to all the artists and team members for their continuous support and solidarity with in-kind contributions towards our programs. We acknowledge their time, knowledge and work that has been invaluable to our community.

دار يوسف نصري جاسر للفن والبحث
شارع الخليل، بيت لحم، الضفة الغربية

+970 2 274 3257 :هاتف رقم  
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