The Third Option
Rolando HernándezMay 28, 2020, 17:30
The Third Option, an audiovisual essay, is part of an ongoing research project trying to understand what privilege is, what are its politics and mechanisms, and how the concept of representation is linked with those of identity and territory. This project started as part of his residency at Dar Jacir in August of 2019 in our Sound Studio program.
“This project functions by doing interviews with almost everyone I know and trying to become an oral archive that can be used in different devices.”
Rolando Hernández’s practice takes different tools from archive research, curatorship, writing, composition and art production. Since 2013 he is co-director and curator of Umbral, a project space and festival gathering practices interested in sound experimentation. Since 2015 he runs the artistic institution CCADDASM (Centro de Creación Archivo y Difusión de Documentos de Arte Sonoro en México) which has created different projects to create an alternate historiography of sound practices in Mexico. As a composer, his work Topializ was studied for the PHD thesis “Componer la duración de la experiencia musical” from Santiago Astaburuaga and published by Marginal Frequency.
Rolando Hernández was a resident at Dar Jacir in the summer of 2019 where he worked on Exomológesis: A History About Contrition.
This audiovisual essay was created especially for Dar Jacir's online program organized in response to the coronavirus emergency. Foregrounding solidarity and care our program focused on bringing together our family of artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and dancers to lead programs and remain connected while we are physically separated.