Palestine on my mind: an encounter with Monica Maurer
April 6, 2019, 12:30 – 16:00Between 1977 and 1982 documentary filmmaker Monica Maurer made 6 films on the Palestinian diaspora in Lebanon in cooperation with the Palestinian Cinema Institution. The films were part of a collective effort to build the base of a future Palestinian state: democratic and secular, while aiming at social change and justice.
In this encounter, Monica will screen sequences from her previous films as well as introduce her project "Shooting Revolution”, a work-in-progress aiming at making a vast audio-visual testimony of the Palestinian Revolution of the 70's accessible to a new generation. Monica will lead a discussion with participants on her involvement in these years of construction and hope, the collective effort to build a better society for the future generations, and her relationship and work today with filmmaking, archiving, and Palestine.
Monica Maurer is a German director who worked with the PLO’s Palestine Film Unit in the 70’s. She is currently based and working in Rome on a monumental project to digitize the Palestinian visual documents of this era.
She has collaborated with Emily Jacir for over a decade in efforts to archive these film documents. Monica and Emily dedicated themselves to salvaging the rushes of Tel al Zaatar, restoring and digitizing them, in order to make them available to the public and to safeguard them as part of the Palestinian collective memory. Their work on Tel al Zaatar was completed in 2014 and they gave a copy of the entire collection as a gift to the Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS).
In collaboration with Haifa Independent Film Festival.
With special guest students from Al Quds Bard College in Abu Dis & Alrowwad Cultural And Arts Society