Impact of The Culture of Bethlehem on Other Nations Through Cinema and Theater
Marina Barham, Emily Jacir, Khaled Al-Masso, Raed Andoni, and Firas MukarkarBethlehem District Diaspora Convention III
September 3, 2021, 17:00
The Third Convention of Bethlehem District was launched within the activities of “Bethlehem Capital of Arab Culture” entitled “Our Culture is Our Identity”, which targeted the expatriates of Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour from all over the world. The convention took place over Zoom in the course of two days. Emily Jacir, as a representative of Dar Jacir, participated on the first day in a talk about the impact of the culture of Bethlehem on other nations through cinema and theater.
Organized by Bethlehem Municipality