IMPro Pitxantu

by Eli Wewentxu and Nicolás Jaar

This is a video filmed and edited by musicians Eli Wewentxuand Nicolás Jaar, made during their Dar Jacir residency in October of 2023. Initially planned to meet in Bethlehem on October18th; their plans were disrupted due to flight cancellations caused by the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza. Consequently, they relocated the residency to Eli's farm in Chomio, near Temuco in Wallmapu.

Over ten days, the artists improvised together and organized a community event on October 28th at Kom Espacio Creacion, in Temuco. This event featured Mapuche activists discussing their struggles in their territory, focusing on issues like the militarization of a school and controversies surrounding the 'Ley de usurpación'. Nicolás discussed the situation in Palestine, drawing parallels and identifying resonances between the anti-colonial and anti-racist resistance of the Mapuche and the Palestinian people. Free Wallmapu! Free Palestine!

Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research
Al Khalil Road,Bethlehem, West Bank

T: +970 2 274 3257

By Appointment Only