Nicolás Jaar

Echorot, 2019

For his residency, Nicolás Jaar transformed Dar Jacir’s storage space into a sound studio for the creation of site specific sound pieces. The first step was to move all the old furniture out of the space and sort through it, then clean the space and finally start its transformation into a sound room. Throughout his two weeks in the space, Jaar met with musicians from Bethlehem, Ramallah and Haifa and also had two sound workshops with kids from Aida and Dheisheh refugee camps. These sound workshops introduced children to the practice of music and sound´s creation, experimenting with instruments and tools available in the studio. 

For the inaugural exhibition, Jaar has installed a 6 meter water pipe from Hebron that broadcasts the resonant frequency of the Dar Jacir Studio and mixes it with the naturally occurring droning of the pipe. The piece, entitled Echorot, alludes both to Mekorot, the national water company of Israel, and the acoustic term ‘echo’, which is a reflection of sound that arrives at the listener with a delay after the direct sound. 

Guests engaging with Echorot, installation by Nicolás Jaar during inaugural exhibition, (June 2019), Photo by Rula Halawani

The studio equipment was generously gifted to Dar Jacir by Nicolás Jaar. 
Part of the Inaugural Residency curated by Emily Jacir

Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research
Al Khalil Road,Bethlehem, West Bank

T: +970 2 274 3257

By Appointment Only