أرضواء- Ardawaء

Mohammad Saleh
The first blog in Arabic on bio-remediation:

* Part of Revolutionary Letter #7

What does this small piece of the terrace at the edge of the street in Bethlehem city now wish for?
This was the spark for a new healing journey. This is a plot of land which has been left vulnerable to the clashes happening in the streets outside, leaving it exposed to all types of grenades, explosives, sprayed skunk-water, fires and, of course, regular city pollutants over the last several decades. Maybe we can’t “see or hear” the obvious result of all this distortion and violence we cause to the silent earth’s skin, but it is a receptive landscape that holds us above it, feeds us, and provides us with everything we actually consume. Can we heal this soil, can we live in peaceful companionship with it? Saleh’s blog provides practical instructions for establishing permaculture and maintaining healthy gardening techniques for positive change.

Ardawa ء’ is the exploration of the possibility of bringing to the land (Ard) the remediation (Dawaa’) for which it longs.

Photo: Emily Jacir 2023

Bioremedition, Land detoxification, Soil contamination, Weapons, Land healing, Urban Soil pollution, Electroculture, Food Justice, Farming, Healing, Tranformation.

Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research
Al Khalil Road,Bethlehem, West Bank

T: +970 2 274 3257

By Appointment Only